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The Believer's Two-Fold Purpose

Allen Domelle

John 17:4

I have glorified thee on the earth: I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do.

At the end of Jesus’ time on earth, He could confidently say that He did two things. He said that He glorified the Father on the earth, and He said He finished the work that God gave Him to do. Jesus was saying that if you were to look at His entire life, there is no place in His life that He didn't glorify the Father, and there was no work that the Father gave Him to do that He did not complete.

These are two great achievements that every believer should strive to accomplish. If Jesus said He did these two things, and if we want to be like Jesus, that would mean our purpose of living ought to be to accomplish these two things. Let me discuss this two-fold purpose of the believer.

First, you are to glorify God on this earth. Nowhere does it say that I am to glorify myself. Our purpose is only to glorify God, and anything we glorify more than God is a sin. Your purpose is not to glorify making money; your purpose is to glorify God. Your purpose is not to glorify politics or a political party; your purpose is to glorify God. Your purpose is not to glorify sports; your purpose is to glorify God.

To glorify something or someone means to exalt or promote it. To glorify God would be to exalt God on this earth. One of the greatest ways you can exalt God is to go soul winning. Every time you tell someone about how Christ can save them, you are exalting God. The greatest purpose of the believer is to exalt God, and you cannot exalt Him if you are not talking about Him to the lost. No matter who you talk to, you should always promote God and what He can do for someone’s life. If you are talking to the lost, you should promote or glorify God by telling them how He can save them. When you are talking to believers, you should tell believers how great it is to serve God.

Second, your purpose is to finish what God sent you to do. God placed you on this earth for a purpose, and your job is to find that purpose, do it every day, and finish it. If you are going to finish the purpose for which God placed you on this earth to do, there are two things you beware about. You must first find His will for your life and do it. God has a will for your life, and anything but doing His will will keep you from finishing what God sent you to do. Your will, even if it is not bad, will keep you from finishing what God sent you to do.

The second thing you must do if you are going to finish what God sent you to do is not become sidetracked by things that would keep you from finishing your purpose. It is so easy to let things sidetrack us from God’s purpose for our lives. It takes character to stay focused on God’s purpose for our lives for a lifetime. Satan will offer you many good things to do that sound good, but you must always ask yourself if what is being offered will sidetrack you from God’s purpose for your life.

My friend, you were placed on this earth to do two things, glorify God to the world, and finish the purpose for which He placed you on this earth to do. You must ask yourself at the end of each day if you have glorified God, self, or sin that day. You must also ask yourself if you are closer to finishing the work God sent you to do. Living to accomplish these two things are what will make you like Christ.


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