Allen Domelle
12 minutes ago3 min read
I Feel Led of the Spirit
A common phrase people often use to justify what they want to do is that they feel the Spirit of God has led them. Often, what we say is
Allen Domelle
1 day ago3 min read
What Drives Me
Something has to drive you to be a believer who reaches the multitudes for Christ. I do not want to be a believer that goes through life and
Allen Domelle
2 days ago3 min read
Between the Go and the Arrived
At the command of Jesus, we see the disciples launched forth. However, what seemed to be an easy trip to get to the other side of the lake
Allen Domelle
3 days ago3 min read
God’s Power is Not a Trophy Piece
We read the stories of great men of the past who had God’s power on their lives, and it motivates us to desire that same power on our own
Allen Domelle
4 days ago3 min read
The Faith of Miracles
Four thousand people were present at this service that Jesus preached at, but there was no food to feed this great crowd. The only food they
Allen Domelle
5 days ago3 min read
Glean Before the Days Come
One can wonder if the disciples ever wished they would have given more attention to what He did while they had the Saviour with
Allen Domelle
Jan 113 min read
Growing Your Faith
Jesus spent three years trying to grow the faith of His disciples because He knew they needed a great faith if they were to
Allen Domelle
Jan 103 min read
The Destructive Effects of Alcohol
Alcohol has always been the Devil’s juice to destroy nations, families, and individuals. People who say it is okay to drink wine or strong
Allen Domelle
Jan 93 min read
The Delight of the Shadow
The shadow in the Scriptures is not always presented in a good way. Yet, we see that there is great delight if you sit down under God’s