Allen Domelle
35 minutes ago3 min read
Doing Valiantly
We certainly live in times when we need believers who are courageous to stand for truth. When truth is under attack, we often ask

Allen Domelle
1 day ago3 min read
God’s Hand Never Comes Short
God’s hand will never fall short of doing through your life what He says He will do. All you need to do is trust and

Allen Domelle
2 days ago3 min read
The Burden of Responsibility
God talks about the charge of the Levites and the leaders of tribes several times in the book of Numbers. When God uses the word

Allen Domelle
3 days ago3 min read
Don't Stop Yet
One of the great separators between those who find great success and the average is those who find great success go a little further when

Allen Domelle
4 days ago3 min read
Leave Something
God commanded Israel not to wholly reap the corners of their fields. This was so the poor and the strangers could find food to eat when they

Allen Domelle
6 days ago3 min read
From a Grain to the Greatest
The power the kingdom of Heaven can have in ones life is amazing in that it can turn them from the least to the greatest. Jesus taught

Allen Domelle
Feb 73 min read
The Choice Is Not Difficult
The value that Christ should be to you should not be difficult when you realize that He placed you above all to pay your debt of sin. Jesus

Allen Domelle
Feb 63 min read
Before Your Great Reward
We all want God to give us great rewards, but great reward is the result of action. We want to be a happy people, but again, happiness is

Allen Domelle
Feb 53 min read
Don't Lose Your Song
Right after Israel was delivered from Egypt through the Red Sea, we see them singing the song of Moses. This song was a