Revelation 14:13
And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Write, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours; and their works do follow them.
Life is short, and I would hate to have nothing to show for what I did in this life for God in eternity. Many believers live a good life in man’s eyes but will have nothing to show for their lives when they step into Heaven. Imagine God gave you the gift of life, and then you have nothing to show God what you did with this life that He gave you. Oh, you can show man what you have done on earth with your cars, homes, and financial accounts, but those things are temporal and will not follow you into eternity.
I think of the rich man who lived his life with the fancies of the world, but the moment he died, he lifted his eyes in torment as he burned in Hell. I think of the rich young ruler who had accomplished everything this world would say brings happiness, but Jesus made it clear that he would have nothing in eternity.
Your purpose for living ought to be blessed when you die. God says, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord. Three things make a person blessed when they die, and all three things are a package deal.
The first step to being blessed when you die is to be in the Lord. In other words, you must be saved. It doesn't matter how much good you have done on earth; it will not matter when you die if you are not saved. It does not matter how many possessions you have collected, how much wealth you have accumulated, or how many homes you have amassed; these things mean nothing if you are not saved. The most critical step to being blessed is to get saved.
The second step to being blessed is to labor for the Lord. There are many hard-working believers who will not die blessed because they never labored for the Lord. Oh, they will be in Heaven, but their labors were wasted on earthly things rather than on things that will last for an eternity. Every believer ought to be a hard worker, but be sure to use your hard labors to serve the Lord. The labors for which you labor for the Lord are the only labors that will make an impact in eternity, and are the only labors that will help you to be blessed when you die.
The third step to being blessed is to have works that will follow you to Heaven. What have you built for God that will give you fruit to follow you to Heaven when you die? You will notice that a person is blessed when their works follow them to Heaven. The word follow means that it comes after you after you have gone to Heaven. In other words, live your life so that it can continue to be fruitful after you step into Heaven. Just because you have died does not mean that you must stop being fruitful for eternity’s sake.
My friend, soul winning is the greatest labor that will help you to have fruit that follows you after you get to Heaven. Anybody can be a soul winner, but you can also multiply the fruit that follows you by building a ministry or a class that will allow you to invest in more lives. You need to ask yourself, if you died today, would your labors and works follow you to Heaven? If not, start laboring for God now so that you can be blessed in Heaven by seeing your works follow you to Heaven.