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  • Allen Domelle

A Place Set Apart

Exodus 25:8

And let them make me a sanctuary; that I may dwell among them.

God greatly desires to be among His children. From the beginning of time, God created man to have fellowship with Him. Every morning in the cool of the day, God met with Adam and Eve for a time of fellowship. When sin came into the equation is when the fellowship with man was severed. God followed eternity’s plan to restore that fellowship by killing a spotless lamb and having the blood applied, and if man accepted the blood applied, fellowship could be restored.

However, God still greatly desired a place to fellowship with man. To resolve this issue, God commanded Moses to make a sanctuary, that I may dwell among them. The word sanctuary means a place set apart. Was this sanctuary a place where God actually dwelt? No, it was the place where God met with man so they could have fellowship. We are reminded in the Scriptures that the world is the footstool of God, and even the heavens cannot contain God. However, God said He wanted a place where He could meet with man, a place set apart.

This is one of the great keys to having fellowship with God regularly. Every person needs a place set apart to meet with God. This place set apart needs to be a sacred place. This place set apart needs to be a reverenced place. If the believer does not set a place apart to meet with God, they will likely struggle in their fellowship with God. Both in creation and with the tabernacle, God established the principle that having a place set apart is necessary to having sweet fellowship with Almighty God. What a privilege and great honor the believer has that God wants to meet with him. There are three things we should set apart to keep a great time of fellowship with God.

First, set a time apart to meet with God. God met with Adam and Eve in the cool of the day. The cool of the day is the morning time. You will struggle with your fellowship with God if you don't set a time apart to meet with Him. That time needs to be a sacred time that nothing hinders. That time is an appointment with almighty God. Set a time apart to read the Scriptures daily, to pray with God, and to meet with God in church. Without a time set apart to meet with God, God will become an add-on to your day instead of being the God you walk with daily.

Second, have a place set apart to meet with God in the Scriptures and prayer. Have a place where you read God’s Word daily. You also need to have a place set apart where you get alone to pray. In the book of Matthew, Jesus talked about going into the closet to pray. Jesus was reiterating the importance of having a private place to meet with God, a place set apart for one thing: to talk to God.

Third, let the church services be a place set apart to meet with God has He commands to do whenever the church doors are open. The church sanctuary ought to be a sacred place. When you go to church, it is not the coffee center; it is the sanctuary, a place set apart for the preaching of God’s Word. God ordained church to be a place set apart to let Him talk personally to you so that you can grow as a believer. Keep the church time and the church sanctuary as a place set apart, and you will find that God will meet with you and build you into the believer He intends for you to be.


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