Colossians 4:1
Masters, give unto your servants that which is just and equal; knowing that ye also have a Master in heaven.
Living a consistent Christian life is not a chance but a choice to obey all God tells you to do. The great thing about living a consistent Christian life is that you produce consistent blessings on your life. If I were to ask you if you would rather have God’s blessings sporadically or continually, I imagine you would want His blessings continually. However, you cannot have God’s continual blessings on your life unless you live a consistent Christian life. Colossians 4 gives seven things the believer must do to live a consistent Christian life, which will result in God’s continual blessings.
First, be just in all that you do. To be just is to treat everyone and every situation equally. You cannot be inconsistent in your treatment of people and situations and expect blessings to come from it. Being unjust always results in turmoil with others because all people want is to be treated fairly. You can remove most turmoil from life if you are just in your treatment of every person and every situation.
Second, continue in prayer. Verse 2 admonishes the believer to be a person of prayer. God shows that you cannot live a consistent Christian life without prayer. God uses the word continue, which means to persist in an activity or process. Prayer is the only thing that will keep you going in the Christian life. Without it, you will quit; with it, you will continue.
Third, be a thankful person. Verse 2 tells the believer to watch…with thanksgiving. Being thankful helps the believer to keep a right spirit. The unthankful believer is the believer who has a bad spirit, but the thankful believer will have a spirit that is thrilled that God is merciful to give them what they have. You cannot be content with what you have if you are not thankful for all that God gives you.
Fourth, you must walk in wisdom to live a consistent Christian life. Wisdom comes from God’s Word; therefore, you cannot walk in wisdom if you don't spend time in the Scriptures daily. Furthermore, you cannot walk in wisdom if you don't obey the Scriptures. The consistent Christian life is only accomplished by obeying the wisdom of God’s Word.
Fifth, you must be a good steward of time if you are to live a consistent Christian life. God commands in verse 5 to redeem the time. Time is life, and using time wisely allows you to accomplish the most you can for God with your life. Being late to appointments and obligations is to waste time and life because time is life. Be a good steward of your time by not wasting one minute. Be a good steward of your time by not allowing one minute to be used for self or the world.
Sixth, if you are to live a consistent Christian life, then let your speech always be with grace. Be careful with what you say. Don't always say what you think. Thinking before you say will keep you from saying something that will create a mess that hinders your ability to live the consistent Christian life.
Seventh, be faithful. Faithfulness is the decision to show up when you feel like it and when you don't feel like it. Anybody can be faithful because everybody can choose to be faithful. Faithfulness and consistency are intertwined. Choosing to be faithful is choosing to be consistent in your Christian life. Faithfulness in all these things mentioned is the key to living a consistent Christian life.