Exodus 15:1
Then sang Moses and the children of Israel this song unto the LORD, and spake, saying, I will sing unto the LORD, for he hath triumphed gloriously: the horse and his rider hath he thrown into the sea.
Right after Israel was delivered from Egypt through the Red Sea, we see them singing the song of Moses. This song was a result of their deliverance and a praise to God for showing His power in parting the Red Sea. This song kept them focused on God and doing right.
However, we see Israel lost their song, and as soon as they lost their song, they began to murmur and complain. It only took three days for them to turn from singing to complaining. It took three days for them to find something to get bitter about toward the LORD. The reason they turned from rejoicing to murmuring is because they lost their song.
There is great value in listening and singing the right songs. Spiritual music has a way of keeping you focused on God saving you from your sins and keeping you from complaining. Ephesians 5:19 says, Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord; The right music keeps a melody in your heart instead of complaining about what you don't have. You will find the happiest people are often people who listen to the right music. Let me share some thoughts about the right music and its value to your life.
First, the right music keeps you focused on God and not on yourself. One great difference between modern music and spiritual music is the modern “Christian” song often points to the individual and their feelings instead of pointing to Christ and His power. There is a power in the old hymns that reminds us of God, our salvation, and the power of God.
Second, the right music will be joyful music. Music ought not to be melancholy. Music ought to bring joy to the believer’s heart. One thing I implemented in the church I pastor is to keep music happy and joyful. I’ve told my music director and my musicians that I do not want music in our church that drags people down. If you were to visit our church, you would hear joyful and happy music being sung. The old songs not only point you to Christ and His power, but they have a joy inside of them that cheers you as you go throughout your day.
Third, the right music will not appeal to the flesh, but will stir your spirit because it stirs the Holy Spirit. The wrong music does not stir you to do anything for God, but it will stir you to live a life of sin. One reason rock and roll, country and western, or Christian rock is wrong is because it all appeals to the flesh. I am commanded to crucify the flesh and not to feed it with worldly music. You cannot stay spiritual and listen to the wrong music. You cannot stay upbeat and on topside if you are not listening to the wrong music.
Fourth, you should commit good music to memory so you can sing it throughout your day. Don't get so caught up in always having to sing a new song that you don't repeat the old songs so that you can commit them to memory. I have committed most of the old songs to memory which allows me to sing them from my heart throughout the day. When you commit the right music to memory, God will give you a song throughout the day that will lift your spirit and keep you from complaining.