Daniel 6:27
He delivereth and rescueth, and he worketh signs and wonders in heaven and in earth, who hath delivered Daniel from the power of the lions.
Cyrus, the king of Babylon, learned about the power of God through experience. He made a law that nobody could pray to anyone other than him for thirty days. When Daniel heard about this law being established, he did not change his prayer life, but he prayed as he did aforetime even though he knew it would cost him his life. When Daniel’s enemies caught him praying, they turned him in to the law, and he was sentenced to be thrown into a den of hungry lions.
Cyrus cared much for Daniel. He regretted that he had made such a law. When Daniel was thrown into the lions’ den, he fasted and prayed all night for God to deliver Daniel from the mouths of the lions. In the early morning, Cyrus went to the den of lions and called for Daniel. He rejoiced when he heard Daniel’s voice and he was exceeding glad that God had delivered Daniel. This deliverance brought Cyrus to acknowledge the power of God to do three things in the life of every individual who is willing to yield themselves to God and believe in Him.
First, God has the power to deliver the believer from that which can hurt them. The hungry lions were no match for God’s power. Though man thought the lions could hurt God’s man, God showed His power is always greater than the hurt of man’s evil. You will never know God’s power to deliver if you never do something for God. Evil is certainly out there to destroy the child of God, but God’s power is greater than the evil perpetuated against you. Sadly, most believers will never know God’s power to deliver them because they never attempt anything for Him to see God's deliverance. God delivered Peter from the waging sea because he stepped out by faith when others would not. What you fear the most is what God can deliver you from if you will obey Him and do what is right. God’s power is always greater than what you fear.
Second, God has the power to rescue the believer. To rescue something means that you are in a dangerous or dire situation. God always rescues the believer whose heart is right toward Him. There are times when our troubles are of our own making, but God can rescue you from that trouble that you have created. Throughout my life, I have seen God rescue me from many situations that seemed to have no way out. When you see no way out of your situation, look to God; He is your way out.
Third, God has the power to work signs and wonders in your life. I am glad that God can still do the miraculous. For God to work signs and wonders in our lives, we must be willing to attempt that which is greater than ourselves for God to do these signs and wonders. God cannot work signs and wonders in our lives if we live in the land of ease. Only those who attempt the impossible will see the signs and wonder in their lives. Many believers will go through their lives never seeing God do one great sign or wonder for them because they are fearful of failing or the impossible. I would hate to live my life living in comfort and ease, but miss out on the power of God doing signs and wonders in my life because I wasn’t willing to risk everything to do something great for God. God does have the power to do signs and wonders in your life, but you must step out and attempt the impossible to see those signs and wonders.