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It’s Not Too Hard For God

Allen Domelle

Genesis 18:14

Is any thing too hard for the LORD? At the time appointed I will return unto thee, according to the time of life, and Sarah shall have a son.

When God told Abram that he would have a child in his old age, Sarah laughed about hearing this proclamation. She was past the age where she could have a child, and she ceased to be after the manner of women. However, God is still God. God was very capable of making Sarah have a child in her old age even though she ceased to be after the manner of women. This birth was critical to show God’s power to give a child after she was past the manner of women because God would later give a child to a lady who was a virgin. You see, the birth of Isaac in Sarah’s old age was critical to show that it is not too hard for God to give a child to anyone, even to a virgin lady who had known no man.

Is any thing to hard for the LORD? What do you think is too hard for God to do in your life? Let me remind you of a few things God did that seemed to be impossible. God created a world from nothing in six days. To this day, man is trying to explain away the power of God through the lie of evolution, but those of us who believe in God know He did create the world from nothing in six days. Do you think the problem you face is bigger than that?

Let me remind you about God causing the sun to stand still for a day while Joshua fought God’s enemies. The power it takes to hold the universe in its place for one day so that nothing gets out of the rhythm of God’s creation takes more power than it does to resolve your problems.

Is any thing too hard for the LORD? If God can give a child to an old lady, He can certainly supply your financial needs that seem to be impossible. If God can cause a virgin to be with child, I would imagine resolving your situation is not too hard for the LORD. If Christ can rise from the dead in His own power, I would imagine He has the power to fix your life situation that seems to be overwhelming right now.

Your problem is only as big as you make it. The longer you go without giving your problem to God, the bigger your problem becomes. You must remember that your problem is a drop in the bucket compared to what God has already proven He can do in history. I am not saying that your problem is not big; I am saying that your problem is not too big or too hard for God to resolve.

You have a choice to resolve your problems. Your choice is to try to resolve it yourself and see that you don't have the power to do it, or you can give it to God and see God show His mighty power to resolve any problem of any size. You are one prayer away from seeing that there is nothing too hard for God. Elijah went to God when there was no rain, and God sent rain. Moses prayed for deliverance from the Egyptian army that pursued Israel, and God parted the Red Sea to allow them to go through the sea on dry ground. Peter asked God to have him come, and God gave Peter the power to walk on the water. Jesus saw five thousand people without food, and He had the power to feed them with five loaves of bread and two fish. We could go on with all the illustrations of God’s power in the Scriptures, and they should remind you that your problem is not too hard for God. Stop fretting over your problems and go to God in prayer to give them to Him; He is waiting to show you that your problem is not too hard for Him to resolve.


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