2 Corinthians 12:7
And lest I should be exalted above measure through the abundance of the revelations, there was given to me a thorn in the flesh, the messenger of Satan to buffet me, lest I should be exalted above measure.
Paul mentioned that he had a thorn in the flesh. This thorn was uncomfortable, unrequested, and unwanted, but he found out that this thorn was his friend. God gave Paul that thorn so that Paul would not become exalted above measure. In other words, Paul needed this thorn to keep Him humble. When Paul accepted this thorn is when it became his friend. How could this thorn become his friend? It became his friend because it was the source that caused the power of Christ to rest upon him.
Nobody asks for a thorn, but anyone who is used of God will end up with a thorn and the flesh. The thorn that God has given to you either be your enemy and the excuse as to why you cannot serve God, or it will become your friend and the tool you use so Christ can work the miraculous through you and your ministry. Let me point out several things that this thorn will do for you.
First, it will remind you of your sinfulness. The thorn has always been a reminder of sin. It was when Adam and Eve sinned that God cursed the ground with thorns. When Jesus was being tried in Pilate's judgment hall, they placed a crown of thorns on his head as a mockery and a symbol that they believed Jesus was a sinner; however, that crown of thorns reminds the believer that Jesus became sin for us. The thorn that God has given to you will keep you humble because it will remind you of your sinfulness.
Second, it will remind you of your humanity. Every time your thorn pricks you, and you feel the pain from that prick, you are reminded that you are still human and that you need God. Your thorn is a great reminder that you are not as good as you think you are, which is a good reminder because it keeps you humble so that God can use you. Let me ask: are you upset with God because with your thorn, He reminded you that you are still human? The fact that you have a thorn in the flesh is what reminds you that you still need God because you are human at best.
Third, it will remind you of your lack of power. One of the greatest things about the thorn is that it shows you that you are powerless because you cannot remove the thorn yourself. When God begins to use us, we can often get too haughty in our minds that we don't need God; however, the thorn reminds us that we don't have the power in ourselves we truly need to accomplish the great works of God. When God begins to use you, He must give you a thorn in the flesh to remind you that you are not as powerful as you believe yourself to be.
Fourth, it will remind you that you need God. If the only reason you ought to thank God for your thorn in the flesh is that it reminds you that you need God, that in and of itself is worthy of this thorn. It is the thorn that causes the power of Christ to rest upon you and forces you to run to God in prayer to beg for His power. Without that thorn, you will not have the power of Christ resting upon your life and ministry.
When you look at these things that the thorn does to you is when the thorn can become your friend. You can fight the thorn in your flesh and become bitter, or accept it as a friend and let God's power work through your life.