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Allen Domelle

Plant Yourself

Psalm 1:3

And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.

When something is planted, it does not look for another place to grow; it chooses to grow where it is planted. One of the biggest reasons many believers do not grow is because they have not planted themselves where they are; instead, they are repeatedly looking for a “better place” to grow. You will never be what you are supposed to be for God until you plant yourself where you are and choose to grow there. The big redwood tree didn't grow to its size by continually uprooting itself and being planted in another place. The big redwood tree grew to its size because it was planted and dug its roots deep into the ground where it was planted, and that is what allowed it to become the huge and beautiful redwood tree that it became.

God said in the verse above, And he shall be like a tree planted God wants you to get planted and grow where you are. To be planted means to be set put, or settled and fixed where you are. You will never be the Christian God wants you to be until you plant yourself where He wants you to be planted. In other words, stay where you are and stop looking for another place, and be the Christian where you are until the day you die. The strongest Christians are the ones who have been in the same place for years. The strongest churches are the churches where the pastor has planted himself in that church to allow him to help that church become the strong church that it became. There are several benefits God shows to planting ourselves.

First, when you are planted, you bring forth fruit. The verse above says that the planted tree bringeth forth his fruit in his season. A tree that is continually uprooted has no ability to go through a season. You cannot get the rooting system you need to become fruitful as a believer if you continually uproot yourself. You will never be the fruitful believer that God wants you to be and that you desire to be until you plant yourself where you are.

Second, when you are planted, you will be able to weather the storms. The verse above says that the planted tree’s leaf also shall not wither. In other words, when the tree is planted, it weathers many storms without being moved. One reason there are so many unstable believers that don't weather their storms is because they have not planted themselves where they are. If you continually uproot yourself, you will not have the spiritual root system needed to weather life’s storms. Getting planted where you are is one of the biggest ways you can weather any and all storms that life will send your way.

Third, when you are planted, you will prosper in whatever you do. The verse above says that whatsoever the planted tree does shall prosper. It takes time to prosper in what you do, but you will never get there if you continually jump from place to place. God gives you the promise to prosper in whatsoever you do because if you are planted, He will have your heart, resulting in doing what He wants you to do.

My friend, let me encourage you to stop uprooting your life from place to place and get planted where you are. Bus captain, Sunday school teacher, ministry worker, pastor, and Christian, get planted in what you are doing for God and stop looking for something else. It is in planting yourself that you will find fruit in what you do.


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