Hebrews 12:1
Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,
The Christian life is not a sprint but a marathon that must be run with patience if you are to finish your race victoriously. Most believers are impatient with the race because they want everything now. The believer wants God’s answers to prayer now. We want to have great spiritual maturity immediately. We want God’s blessings that took others decades to get right now. Preachers want their churches to be filled immediately. Certainly, we are often impatient, and this is the reason so many quit serving God.
God commands us to run with patience. They say the average number of steps taken in a marathon is about 52,400. It takes patience to get to 52,400 steps; however, the patience to take those steps is critical to completing the race that is set before you. Patience is vital to completing this race. Let me share what it takes to have patience in the race set before you.
First, it takes perseverance to finish your race. The Christian race comes with many difficulties, and you must persevere in the race if you are to complete it. You will never finish the Christian race if you quit as soon as difficulties come. You can be assured that Satan will send many difficulties your way, but you must persevere through those difficulties if you want to finish your race.
Second, it takes determination to finish your race. You will only persevere if you are determined not to quit. You need to be stubborn enough not to let the difficulties and obstacles stop you from running your race. There are difficulties that will come because of others, but you must be determined not to let the inaction of others cause you to quit in your race. There will be life difficulties that happen, but those life difficulties will not stop you if you are determined to run your race. There will be unexpected difficulties that seem too big for you to handle, but determination will cause you to have the willpower to keep going until you find a way through the difficulties that you face.
Third, it takes endurance to run your race. 52,400 steps of a marathon are taken one at a time, and the marathon of the Christian life is completed one step at a time. You cannot worry about whether you can make the 52,400 steps; you just need to know that you can take the next step. The next step is necessary if you are to run the Christian race. Endurance says that you will focus on taking the next step and worry about the future steps when they come. Right now, focus on the next step and take it. You must remember that every step you take is getting you closer to finishing the marathon of the Christian life victoriously.
Fourth, it takes focus to run your race. Many have quit the race because they got their focus on other races. You cannot be concerned with how others are running their race because that is not your race. You cannot be concerned with things outside of your race; you must stay focused on your race if you are to finish it. Satan will try to lure you away from your race with many worthy races, but the only race that will bring God’s favor to your life is if you run your race. My friend, the Christian race is not for the faint. It certainly takes God’s power to run this race, but God’s power will not work through you if you don't run your race with patience.