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Allen Domelle

See My Zeal

2 Kings 10:16

And he said, Come with me, and see my zeal for the LORD. So they made him ride in his chariot.

Jehu had a zeal for the LORD like very few kings of Israel. His desire was to fulfill all that the LORD put into his heart to do. Jehu happened to come upon another person by the name of Jehonadab. Jehonadab was one of the sons of Rechab who had made a vow to abstain from wine. When Jehu saw him, he asked him, Is thine heart right, as my heart is with thy heart? When Jehonadab answered that it was, Jehu took him by the hand and said, Come with me, and see my zeal for the LORD. Jehu was saying that it was not enough for him to tell him about his zeal, but he wanted Jehonadab to come see his zeal. Jehu knew there was nothing like seeing one’s zeal that could motivate others to have the same zeal.

One of the great struggles in church work is to get people to be zealous to do the LORD’s work. However, I have learned that if the pastor is zealous, his zeal will pass on to others when they see his zeal. There ought to be people who are zealous for the LORD. The world has people who are zealous for making money, for fame, for living for possessions, and for living for themselves; it should not be a bad thing for God’s people to be zealous for the LORD.

To be zealous for the LORD means two things. First, it means to be committed to the LORD above everything. Commitment to God is the least the believer could do for God. Without commitment to God, your heart will wander to the things of the world. There is nothing wrong with being committed to God. If we believe God’s Word is true, being committed to the things of God is the least a believer could do for Christ. We ought to be staunchly loyal to God’s Word, our church, and our ministry for Christ. You cannot make a difference by being nonchalant about the things of God. If you are zealous for God, you will be committed to what He wants you to be and do.

Second, being zealous for God means that you are passionate for Him. Everyone is passionate about something. However, if we believe God’s Word to be true, being passionate for God will come easily. Being passionate for God means we will give our all for Christ. In other words, there will be no downtime in serving the LORD.

One of the things that many have said is that you can't push people too much in the ministry. I have heard for years from the failures in the ministry that you don't want to push people too much. My friend, one day we will stand before God, and when we enter Heaven and see the wonders of Heaven and glory of God, we will regret not pushing ourselves more for Christ. It won't matter how much you pushed yourself; you will always feel that you did not push yourself enough when you see what God has prepared for you.

I was listening to a sermon by Dr. Lee Roberson, the great man of God who pastored the Highland Park Baptist Church in Chattanooga, Tennessee, at its peak. They ran thousands every Sunday and saw thousands of people saved each year. One thing he said that stood out to me was that they had something special going on at their church every Sunday. We wonder why God used him, and the answer is that he was zealous for his God. Oh, for people to be so zealous for God that they push themselves to do something great for God every Sunday.


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