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The Effective Soul Winner’s Perspectives

Allen Domelle

John 1:23

He said, I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness, Make straight the way of the Lord, as said the prophet Esaias.

The Scriptures share many perspectives a believer should have when it comes to soul winning. Throughout my entire life, I have constantly worked at being a better soul winner so that I can reach more people for Christ. I do not want my perspectives or the mindsets of non soul winners to influence my delivery of the Gospel. I know if I follow what non soul winners tell me to do, it will hurt my ability for Christ to reach souls through my witness. Let me point out several perspectives the book of John gives to believers to help them to be an effective soul winner.

First, be direct in your delivery of the Gospel. John the Baptist said, Make straight the way of the Lord. He was saying that you must stay focused on the Gospel as you witness to the lost. People often make the mistake of trying to answer the questions of the person they are witnessing to instead of just giving them the Gospel. When a lost person asks me about a question that has nothing to do with the Gospel, I always tell them I would be glad to answer that question after I am finished. Keep a straight course in your Gospel presentation, and you will keep the mind of the lost focused on what will save them.

Second, be orderly in your delivery of the Gospel. I feel that too many are all over the place when they deliver the Gospel. I have found it beneficial just to stay in the book of Romans. Jumping from one book to another often overcomplicates the Gospel. Now, this does not mean I never go to another book to show a verse, I mainly just stay in the book of Romans as I share the Gospel. I know if I am orderly in presenting the Gospel, it will help take them down the road to the point where the lost can choose whether or not to accept Christ’s payment for their sin.

Third, be plain in your delivery of the Gospel. To make a path straight is to keep it simple. The Gospel is very simple; stop trying to make it difficult for the lost to understand. The Gospel is what does the work, not me; therefore, if I keep it very simple, they will understand and will want to get saved.

Fourth, go soul winning to reap. Jesus says in John 4:38,  I sent you to reap. God never sent us to sow the seed of the Gospel; He sent us to reap the harvest. You will certainly sow seed as you reap the harvest, but your purpose is to reap the lost. Your perspective as you go soul winning must be to reach the lost. A reaping mindset as you go soul winning helps you to look for someone who is lost instead of just passing out tracts and saying you sowed the seed. If all you do is sow seed, the harvest will go unreached.

Fifth, keep our eyes open as you go soul winning. Jesus commands in John 4:35, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest. Look for people who will get saved. There are many people that God will have to cross your path to be saved, and if you lift up your eyes, you will see these people that God has sent your way will get saved if you witness to them.

Sixth, gather the fragments as you go soul winning. John 6:12 commands, Gather up the fragments that remain, that nothing be lost. Don't worry about the “type” of person you need to reach and just reach people. You will see many people saved if you make it your task to give the Gospel to those whose lives have been fragmented by sin.


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