John 11:28
And when she had so said, she went her way, and called Mary her sister secretly, saying, The Master is come, and calleth for thee.
The grief Mary and Martha had when Lazarus their brother had died was great. Both Mary and Martha said to Jesus that if He had been there their brother would not have died. However, Jesus reminded them that He is the resurrection and the life. Only He could fill their sorrowful soul with life, and only He could raise their brother from the dead.
When Martha heard these words, she ran to her sister and said, The Master is come, and calleth for thee. You will notice she called Jesus the Master. The word Master is capitalized, which means she was naming Jesus the Master. The name Master means that Jesus is the One who is in control. Martha was saying that though she did not see the purpose of allowing Lazarus to die, she understood that He was the Master who was in control and that she was willing to trust and follow Him for whatever He had in mind.
Jesus is still the Master! Jesus alone is the Master who is in control of all things and is working in your life situation to show you His power. I am glad the Scriptures did not say that Jesus was a master, but that He is the Master. There were four things this statement means not only to Mary, but to every believer.
First, Jesus is the Master of life. Jesus says in John 11:25, I am the resurrection, and the life. Jesus has your life under control. You may not understand what life is doing to you, but He is the Master of your life. As long as you follow the Master, you don't have to understand what He is doing in your life; all you have to remember is that He is in control and is working in your life. Your life may seem to be out of control, but Jesus is the Master of your life, and one day, you will see the purpose for what He is doing if you will trust that the Master is in control and follow Him.
Second, Jesus is the Master of joy. These people were filled with sorrow and grief, but the Master is come to fill that sorrow and grief with joy. Jesus knows how to give you joy in life, and though you may not understand His plan to bring you joy, you must trust He is the Master of joy and is working in your life to help you live life more abundantly.
Third, Jesus is the Master of comfort. The presence of Jesus brought comfort to the grieving souls of these sisters. Many have tried several ways to find comfort, but comfort is only found in the Master. He knows how to comfort you in your time of need; all you need to do is go to Him and allow His presence to give you comfort.
Fourth, Jesus is the Master of miracles. It would take a miracle for Lazarus to rise again, but He is the Master of miracles, and He gave them that miracle they needed by raising Lazarus from the dead.
My friend, the Master is come, and calleth for the thee.  Do you need a miracle in your life? Is a miracle the only way out of your life situation? You have hope, the Master is come, and calleth for the thee. The situation you face today will be resolved if you heed the Master’s call and come to Him. You can try to work out your situation yourself and fail, or you can accept the Master’s call to come. He is in control of your life; trust and follow Him. He knows what He is doing, and His work will give you life more abundantly if you let Him.