Luke 9:37
And it came to pass, that on the next day, when they were come down from the hill, much people met him.
Jesus and the disciples had just experienced the night when Christ was transfigured. What a great experience and moment that must have been! This would be one of those nights when you would want to stop and dwell on the euphoria of the moment. However, the next day Jesus came down from the hill to meet the throngs of people who had come to see Him. Jesus understood the great principle that you cannot live in yesterday’s euphoric experiences and build a church or continue to reach the lost as Christ would want you to do.
One area where Satan destroys churches is in the area of the next day. He knows that many churches are destroyed after a big day. A church has a big day, and for weeks they dwell on what God did through them instead of staying busy and continuing to go after the lost. Satan will be happy to let a church have one big day and reach many if he can get them to dwell on that and lose their momentum in reaching the lost and building a church. Satan is willing to lose one battle to win many more battles.
I learned a long time ago that the next day is a new day, and I must work as hard to see God’s blessings as I did to have the big day that I had yesterday. As an evangelist, I would have a great meeting, but the next day I started a new revival that needed me to be as diligent as I was before so that God can continue to work. God doesn't desire just to work in one day of my life, but in every day of my life. Therefore, I must work hard every day to see God do something big in my life every day. Let me share a few thoughts about this critical truth of the next day.
First, the next day is a new day to continue what I have always done to have a big day. Just because you had a big day does not mean that you stop. The next day is a new day, and what happened yesterday will not automatically continue. Today is a new day, and you must get up and do every day what brought the big day to your life.
Second, the next day determines the next big day. I often tell my church that what we do today often affects what happens two weeks down the road. If we have a good week of soul winning, it often does not affect the coming Sunday, but the Sunday two weeks away. Therefore, what we do today determines if we have another big day. Just because you have a big day does not mean another one will come. The next big day will be determined by what you do the next day after a big day.
Third, the battle for the lost continues the next day. Souls do not stop going to Hell because you had a big day yesterday. Souls continue to go to Hell every day; therefore, we must keep the push alive to continue to go after souls every day, even after God has blessed us with a tremendous day.
My friend, you must pray as hard the next day as you did before the big day. You must soul win as fervently the next day as you did before the big day. You must fight sin as passionately after the big day as you did before the big day. The character to do the next day what you did to have a big day will determine if God will give you another big day. The battle never stops, so enjoy the big day, but the next day keep doing what brought it and you will have other big days.