2 Corinthians 6:14
Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?
Being unequally yoked is still a sin in our day. Many have forsaken God’s command of separation only to compromise what they once were for the “better good.” One of the greatest achievements any believer will accomplish is not to change for the worse. Everyone changes; we either change for the good or for the worse. Nobody is the same today as they were five years ago. The question is, what direction is our change taking us? God gives five areas we must watch to avoid the directional change for the worse.
First, we must guard our friendships. God asks, for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? The word fellowship is talking about friendship. God uses righteousness and unrighteousness as an illustration because these cannot be friends and stay the same. The friends you choose will determine whether you head toward righteous living or unrighteous living. You cannot have the wrong friends and be what God commands you to be.
Second, we must guard our fellowship. God continues to ask, and what communion hath light with darkness? Light and darkness have no fellowship because when light appears, darkness flees. The believer must be careful about fellowshipping with people who do not believe like them. You cannot fellowship with those who do wrong without getting their stink on your life. Nobody is strong enough to handle the wrong fellowship. If you are willing to fellowship with a crowd, especially during a church service, you will be willing to change for that crowd. As my preacher taught me years ago, the wrong crowd is too nice for me not to like, so don't fellowship with them, and you won't become them.
Third, we must guard our personal relationships. God asks again, And what concord hath Christ with Belial? Christ and Belial have no personal relationship, and neither should the believer join in relationships with people who do not believe like them. Don't go into business with people who do not believe like you, and don't date or marry someone who does not believe like you. The weaker person always drags down the strong person in relationships; therefore, if you don't want to change, don't have a personal relationship with someone who does not believe right.
Fourth, we must guard on contributions to a cause. God continues to ask, what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? Any part you give to the wrong crowd, even if it is good, always leads to compromise. The uncompromising believer has no similarities or goals of the world. They may seem the same, but what seems the same actually takes us the wrong way. Be careful about being in the same speaking conference with those who have compromised or don't believe like you. Your part in a conference says you are willing to turn a blind eye to their compromise or wrong doctrine.
Fifth, we must guard against laying aside doctrinal differences just to get along. God asks again, And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? The greater good is not a good reason to compromise what God commands us to do. If you are willing to compromise for the greater good, you will always have a reason to compromise. The change to compromise never stops once you start that movement toward the wrong positions.