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Three Attributes of God You Need

Allen Domelle

Jeremiah 51:15

He hath made the earth by his power, he hath established the world by his wisdom, and hath stretched out the heaven by his understanding.

God was declaring His power as He was saying that He would destroy Babylon. Babylon was the great country of its day; it was the world power of that time. Nobody could see Babylon being taken down to nothing, but God said that He would destroy it. God shows that the walls of Babylon were not greater than His power. He shows that the shields of Babylon could not stop what He would do to destroy it. He then reminds them that it was by His power that He established the world, and if He could make the world from nothing, He could destroy a country that seemed to be impenetrable.

However, in this prophecy against Babylon, we see three great attributes of God that are needed by every person to live life successfully. Those who think they don't need God in these areas will find themselves as Babylon in total destruction. However, those who realize they need these three attributes of God will find themselves standing strong in life and making an impact with their lives. These three attributes about God should be the request of every believer as they pray every day of their lives.

First, you need the wisdom of God. You will notice that the world was established by God’s wisdom. The intricacies of this world show the wisdom of God, and if God can establish this world through His wisdom, then His wisdom is great enough to help you with your problems and with life. Every day you should pray for God to give you His wisdom. Too many seek for man’s wisdom when they need God’s wisdom. If God can make the heavens and the earth in all of its perplexities keep them functioning, He certainly has the wisdom to help you. According to James 1:5, all you need to do to have God’s wisdom is ask Him. God is more than willing to give you His wisdom for what you are facing if you will be humble enough to admit you need it.

Second, you need God’s understanding. God said He stretched out the heaven by his understanding. The word understanding is talking about discernment, or the ability to see ahead. Every believer needs God’s understanding to discern what each action or decision will do to them in the future. Very few people have God’s understanding. There is a difference between wisdom and understanding. Wisdom is having the knowledge to know what to do at the present, but understanding is seeing where what you are about to do will take you in the future. In other words, understanding is the ability to break down wisdom to know why you are doing what you are about to do because you know where it takes you in the future. You cannot have understanding without wisdom; therefore, it is critical that you ask God to give you His understanding so you will know where everything you do will take you in the future.

Third, you need God’s power. God declares that He hath made the earth by his power. The God that has the power to create the earth out of nothing wants to empower you if you will just ask Him. You cannot do a holy work without the power of God. Many try to do things in their own power and fail because God’s work can only be done with His power. You must ask God daily for His power, wisdom, and understanding if you want to defeat the Babylon’s you face in your daily life.


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