2 Samuel 3:1
Now there was long war between the house of Saul and the house of David: but David waxed stronger and stronger, and the house of Saul waxed weaker and weaker.
When Saul died, David became king of Judah. While he was king, the Scriptures teach that there was a civil war between the loyalists to Saul and those loyal to David. The loyalists to Saul did not want to accept that God had set David up as the next king of Israel. For seven years and six months, this war continued between Israel and Judah. However, God said that David waxed stronger and stronger. David gradually gained enough strength that God gave him the whole nation as He had promised many years before.
There is a great principle in this story that every person needs to learn who wants God to use them mightily in their lives or ministry. The word waxed means to increase, grow, or develop. In other words, it is not a sudden growth, but a gradual growth. God was showing that David was not ready for the whole kingdom at first, but He had to grow David gradually until he was ready for the whole kingdom.
God does the same with His people and churches. We want to get to what we see God doing through our lives immediately, but God sees that we are not ready for that. We want our churches to suddenly grow into a large church, but God knows our church is not ready for that. Let me share several principles that can help you with the great truth.
First, you can’t handle it all right now. If God gave you what you wanted, it would ruin you. Some of the best memories you will have when you get old are the growing stages God sent you through that brought you to your eventual destination. Many young people have tried to get what their parents had when they were young, and it ruined them. Many young preachers have been ruined by gaining too much notoriety while they were young. There is no shame in knowing that you can't handle it all right now.
Second, grow from where you are. So, you are not where you want to be, but you don't have to sit until you get there. Instead, grow from where you are right now. Many sit waiting for the “perfect” situation when they could get what they wanted if they grew from where they are. Don’t waste the time sitting and waiting for God to give you what you want; grow from where you are and you will get their sooner.
Third, strengthen yourself from where you are. The reason God does not give you what you want is because you are not strong enough to handle it, so strengthen your faith and walk with God so He can give it to you sooner. You can't lift two hundred pounds until you first lift one hundred pounds. Likewise, you will never be able to handle the ministry you ultimately desire if you don't strengthen your present weaknesses in your Christian life or ministry.
Fourth, don’t become impatient with the gradual growth and quit. Many have quit because they didn't get what they wanted, but one day at the Judgment Seat they will see how close they were to getting what they wanted had they not quit. Quitting has often happened when a believer is one step away from victory. Don't quit because of impatience, but trust God that He will give you the victory when the timing is right. Remember that God’s timing is always right, and when He knows you are ready for what you desire, He will give you the victory you have so desired.