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What To Do When Trusting the LORD

Allen Domelle

Proverbs 3:5

Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.

Trust is earned, not given, and the LORD should have earned your trust because of all that He has done for you. You trusted Him to save you, and if you are willing to trust God to save you, I would think you could trust Him with every part of your life. Let’s face it, to trust God with your eternity is of far greater consequence than trusting Him with the few years you live on Earth. However, what you do while trusting the LORD will determine whether you keep trusting Him to the end. Let me reveal six things you need to do while you trust the LORD.

First, don’t think about the what-ifs. Part of trusting is giving God your concerns. You will notice that God says we are to trust Him with all our heart. When you give God your heart, you won’t have time to think about what will happen if God doesn't come through. Once you give God your heart, you are all in — sink or swim with God. Stop worrying about what if something happens; trust God that He will be there if the what-if happens.

Second, don’t try to understand it. Trying to understand what you are going through only causes you to worry instead of trusting God. Worrying is the human thing to do, but trusting is the spiritual thing to do. The fact that you don't understand what is happening is why it is trust; therefore, stop trying to understand what God is doing and why you are facing your situation. Just trust the LORD! When you truly trust the LORD, you won’t have to understand everything that is going on in your life.

Third, keep God in every way of your life. Don't be guilty of stopping your service to God in uncertain times. Trusting God means you will continue doing everything you have set out to do for the LORD, and you will trust Him to show you the next step when needed. In times of trust, read God’s Word, pray, go soul winning, and never stop in any ministry you are doing for God.

Fourth, don’t withhold your substance. The worst thing to do in uncertain times is to quench the source of financial blessings, which is tithing. Tithing keeps God’s blessings coming. Tithing in uncertain times is of no difficulty when you are trusting the LORD. Trusting the LORD gives you the confidence that He will care for you as He has always cared for you.

Fifth, learn from the chastening. God sometimes uses times of uncertainty as a tool to chasten you so that you can become a better believer. Chastening purifies you from those things that will keep God from using you to your fullest. You must understand that God doesn't just chasten us when we are bad, but He also chastens us to remove something that is hindering us from being used mightier for His name’s sake. Trust God’s chastening that He knows what He is removing from your life so that He can use you more.

Sixth, realize God’s love for you causes Him to do what is best to you and for you. My friend, God loved you before you ever thought about loving Him. His love for you caused Him to die for your sins, and His love for you caused Him to choose you to be a soldier in His army. Trust God’s love that no matter what you have done, His love is always there for you, and that He will love you no matter what you have done in your life.


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