Hebrews 4:2
For unto us was the gospel preached, as well as unto them: but the word preached did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in them that heard it.
Why is it that some can sit under the preaching and it moves and changes their lives while others sit under the same sermons preached but never have a change? This question is not a present-generation problem; it is an every-generation problem. Paul addressed this problem in the book of Hebrews when he noted, the word preached did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in them that heard it. Paul makes it clear that the hearer of preaching needs to have faith as much as the preacher must preach with faith. Faith is the key to preaching making an impact on anyone’s life. With this in mind, let me share several hindrances that keep people from mixing faith and preaching so their lives can be changed for the good.
First, preaching cannot change your life if you are not faithful to church. A pastor cannot preach everything people need in one sermon; therefore, every sermon each week is critical to changing lives. If someone is hit and miss to the church services, they are missing part of the sermons that will change their lives. If someone only comes to one service a week, they are missing the other sermons that God would use to help them grow as a believer. It is critical to be at all church services because each service has another spiritual nutrient to keep you spiritually healthy and serving God. Preaching cannot profit you if you are not there to hear it. Be faithful to every church service, and you will find the preaching will profit you in your daily life and Christian walk.
Second, preaching cannot change your life if you are not listening. There is a crowd in every church service who are physically there, but they are not listening. If you are willing to take the time to be in church, you ought to listen while you are there. Sadly, many are either playing on their phones during the preaching time, daydreaming, or simply not paying attention to what is being said. You must set everything aside and purposely listen if you want the preaching to help you. You may think you don't need the sermon being preached that day because everything seems to be going well in your life, but you will need that sermon someday when your life is turned upside down. Don't just be physically present during the preaching, but be attentive and listen to the preaching so the Holy Ghost can give you what you need.
Third, you need faith-filled preaching to change your life. It is paramount that every preacher preaches with faith, faith that the sermon being preached will change those listening to it. If the preacher is just getting his time done for the week, his sermon will never help those who are listening. It is as critical for the pastor to mix faith in his sermon as it is for the listener to have faith in their listening.
Fourth, you need faith-filled listening for preaching to change your life. You must have the faith that the sermon preached that day is for you. You must come expecting God to speak to your heart. If faith mixed with preaching makes the preaching profitable to you, you must be sure to be a listener who listens with faith that God can take what is preached and change your life if you apply that sermon to your life. Faith-filled preaching will change your life if you have the faith to apply what was preached to your life; in other words, you must apply the truth for it to change you.