John 16:7
Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you.
While Jesus was on earth, there were many things that the disciples did not need to worry about because Jesus did those works for them. When Jesus ascended to Heaven, He left them the Holy Spirit who could do the works that they could not do. You must understand the works of God must be done in the power of God if they are to make a change in anyone’s life. Jesus promised He would leave the Holy Spirit to do the works Jesus would do if He were on this earth. Jesus kept this promise in John 20:22 where it says, And when he had said this, he breathed on them, and saith unto them, Receive ye the Holy Ghost: The same Holy Spirit that indwelled the disciples also indwells you. This means the works that Christ did on earth can be done through your life if you will yield to the Holy Spirit and allow Him to control your life. What are these works the Holy Spirit does?
First, the Holy Spirit comforts. Jesus called the Holy Spirit the Comforter. While Jesus was on earth, He comforted those who were hurting. Jesus who comforted Mary and Martha at the death of Lazarus, but Jesus is no longer on earth. However, the comfort Jesus gave can still be given through the power of the Holy Spirit. He will not only comfort you in your time of grief, but He can use you to be a comfort to others in their time of grief.
Second, the Holy Spirit convicts people of their need for salvation. The Scriptures say that the Holy Spirit will reprove the world Of sin, because they believe not on me. Jesus convicted the lost of their need of salvation while He was on earth, but now the Holy Spirit convicts the lost of their need for salvation. This should encourage the believer that the Holy Spirit will do the work of convicting the lost for them IF they will give the plan of salvation to the lost.
Third, the Holy Spirit shows righteousness to the saved. Righteousness is doing righteous works. While Jesus was on earth, He showed what works were the right works to do. However, Jesus is in Heaven, but the Holy Spirit reproves the world of righteousness. In other words, the Holy Spirit convicts the believer to do righteous works because Jesus is no longer on earth to do this. Jesus commanded the disciples to do right works, but now the Holy Spirit does this work in the heart of the believer.
Fourth, the Holy Spirit helps to overcome the world. Jesus said the Holy Spirit would reprove the world Of judgment, because the prince of this world is judged. Jesus helped the disciples to overcome the world, but now you have the power of the Holy Spirit to help you defeat any sin in your life.
Fifth, the Holy Spirit guides you into all truth. The disciples did not need to worry about what was truth while Jesus was on earth because He is truth, but when Jesus ascended, it is the Holy Spirit who shows what is truth. As long as the believer yields to the Holy Spirit, they will always know what is truth and how to do it without compromise.
Sixth, the Holy Spirit empowers the believer to do greater works. Jesus did the miraculous while He was on earth, but He gave the Holy Spirit to the believer so they could do greater works than Christ. Those greater works can be done IF you will yield to the Holy Spirit and attempt those works by faith.