Mark 15:37-38
And Jesus cried with a loud voice, and gave up the ghost. And the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom.
What once impossible was made possible by the sacrificial death of Christ. When Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden, their sin made it impossible for man to approach God the Father. Romans 3:23 states, For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; In other words, there is nothing man can do to be reconciled to God on his own.
However, God the Father made a way before Calvary for man to be reconciled, but not have direct access to Him. The only way anyone could have access to God the Father before Calvary was through the high priest. Once a year, the high priest entered through the veil to the holy of holies to apply the blood of the sacrifice on the mercy seat for his own sins, and for the sins of the people.
However, when Christ died on Calvary, access into the holy of holies was made possible. Jesus is our High Priest. Hebrews 4:14 says, Seeing then that we have a great high priest, that is passed into the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our profession. When Jesus died, the Scriptures say that the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom. Who was it that tore this veil in twain? It was God the Father who tore the veil in twain. He was saying; I am satisfied with this payment. All that come through Christ can come to me.
Oh my friend, what a privilege we have to pray! We have access to God the Father, the very access that nobody before Calvary but the high priest had. We live in times when we have no excuse not to pray. No matter what you face, you have the ability to go to God the Father to give your requests to Him. I think of how the Tabernacle in the wilderness was set up, and I am reminded of how every time the high priest passed the altar of incense and saw the blood applied on the horns of the altar before entering into the holy of holies that he was reminded that because of the blood he could go into that sacred place. Just as the high priest saw the blood on the altar of incense, so we should remember that because of the blood of Christ, we have access to God the Father. This access to God should remind us of two things.
First, access to the Father did not come cheaply. Christ had to give His life so that we could have access to the Father. Not praying regularly is to waste the blood sacrifice of Jesus Christ on Calvary that gave us access to the Father. We have access to God the Father because Christ shed His pure blood for our sins, and it is His blood that satisfies the payment for sin.
Second, it is God the Father who Himself removed the veil because He wants to have sweet fellowship with His children. My friend, God the Father wants you to talk to Him. He is the One Who tore the veil in twain saying that from that point forward, you can come directly to Him for every need you have.
Let me remind you that you have access to pray directly to God the Father because of Christ. Let this sink into your mind; we have the privilege to pray directly to the Father. Now, don’t waste this opportunity and take it flippantly the privilege we have to pray. Use this access to talk to God the Father today, for He desires to hear from you.