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  • Allen Domelle

Finding Grace in the Wilderness

Jeremiah 31:2

Thus saith the LORD, The people which were left of the sword found grace in the wilderness; even Israel, when I went to cause him to rest.

Finding grace in the wilderness means that someone is going through a tough time. The wilderness is a place of heat and no water. The wilderness is a place where it seems death is all about you. However, God says that you find grace in the wilderness.

What is grace? Grace in the wilderness is drinking a glass of water in the dryness of the wilderness. Finding grace in the wilderness is standing by the air conditioner in the heat of the day. Finding grace in the wilderness does not remove the wilderness from your life, but it is finding a way to endure it while you are there.

Many who read this find themselves in a wilderness in life. Maybe it is a financial wilderness where the finances that once used to be plenteous have become scarce. Maybe it is a health wilderness where you see no end to your health problems. Maybe your wilderness is family issues that seem to overwhelm and take the joy from your familial fellowship. Maybe your wilderness is struggling in your ministry for the LORD. I don't know what your wilderness is, but I do know that you can find grace in the wilderness. Let me remind you of several thoughts about finding grace in the wilderness.

First, finding in the wilderness does not mean that God will remove the wilderness. God never said that He would remove the wilderness, but He said He would give you grace to endure in the wilderness. You are setting yourself up for great disappointment if you think that God promised to remove the wilderness because He did not make that promise.

Second, finding grace in the wilderness does not mean that God makes the wilderness easier, but that He makes a way to live in your wilderness. The wilderness itself will still likely be difficult to bear. The pressure of the wilderness does not change when God gives you grace in the wilderness.

Third, finding grace in the wilderness means that God gives you the wherewithal to withstand the wilderness. In other words, God makes a way for you to bear what you are going through. God may not remove the wilderness, but He gives you the ability to live in it. God doesn't remove the death of a loved one, but He gives you His comfort to deal with that death. God doesn't always remove the health ailments, but He gives you the strength to move through them so you can serve Him. God doesn't always remove the family issues, but He gives you His longsuffering so you can enjoy your family while enduring the wilderness of familial issues.

Fourth, you will find God’s grace in the wilderness by remembering God’s love. My friend, the God that loved you before you entered the wilderness still loves you while you endure the wilderness. However, the wilderness will show you more about God’s love as He gives you grace to endure it.

God never promised to remove you from the wilderness, but He did promise to give you grace to endure the wilderness. When God gives you grace and you take that grace to live in the wilderness, you will thank God for your wilderness because His grace is what allows you to be fruitful in the wilderness.


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