Colossians 1:9
For this cause we also, since the day we heard it, do not cease to pray for you, and to desire that ye might be filled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding;
Paul addressed the church of Corinth and mentioned his desire for these people. His desire was much more than what He wanted for these people; it was what God wanted from them. God wanted six actions from these believers. These six actions that God desires are not something that is difficult, but it is something that every believer can do. Let me share these six actions.
First, God desires that His children walk with Him in the Scriptures and prayer. Notice God desires that His children might be filled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding; How is someone filled with wisdom and spiritual understanding? They are filled with these by walking with God. You learn God’s wisdom by reading His Word, and you get spiritual understanding to deal with daily situations through prayer. You will never have the wisdom needed to face your day and the understanding to deal with daily circumstances without walking with God.
Second, God desires His children walk worthy. God teaches in verse 10, That ye might walk worthy of the Lord. Though we are not worthy to be saved, we are to walk worthy of the Lord. In other words, live your life in such a manner that God would be pleased with it. You walk worthy by getting rid of sin and serving God. The keys to walking worthy is to live by faith and always keep in mind that you belong to God; in other words, live like you belong to Him.
Third, God desires His children are fruitful. Verse 10 continues by saying, being fruitful in every good work. God expects the believer to bear fruit. There are plenty of illustrations in God’s Word that show God expects His children to bear fruit. Your life should bear fruit for God, which is winning souls to Christ. God expects every one of His children to be soul winners.
Fourth, God desires that His children increase. God expects growth in His children. You cannot increase if you are not bearing fruit, and you cannot bear fruit if you are not walking worthy, and you won't walk worthy if you don't walk with Him daily. Growth is a byproduct of the previous three desires. The believer should increase in his knowledge of the Lord. The believer should increase in souls being saved. If you are not increasing for the Lord, you are decreasing your walk with God. Walking with God always produces a fruit-bearing believer if they do what God tells them to do in His Word.
Fifth, God desires that His children are filled with the Spirit. God says in verse 11, Strengthened with all might. What might is God talking about? He is talking about the power of the Holy Spirit. I don't need to increase my might, but I need to increase Christ’s power in me. You cannot accomplish these things without the power of the Holy Spirit.
Sixth, God desires that His children are thankful. Verse 12 says, Giving thanks unto the Father. Every believer should fill their days thanking God for all that He gives to them. A thankful believer realizes they don't deserve anything from God because everything they get is a bonus from God. Anyone can be thankful because everything we have we don't deserve, but it is a bonus because of God’s mercy to us.