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Growing From Fear To Faith

Allen Domelle

Judges 6:27

Then Gideon took ten men of his servants, and did as the LORD had said unto him: and so it was, because he feared his father's household, and the men of the city, that he could not do it by day, that he did it by night.

Gideon lived in a fearful generation. Judges 6:10 says about this generation, And I said unto you, I am the LORD your God; fear not the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but ye have not obeyed my voice. You will notice the sin of this generation was that they lived in fear. God did not judge this generation because they were a drunken society, but He judged them because they lived in fear. They feared the gods of the Amorites more than they feared God. This generation likely would not have been known as a bad people, but they were a people who had misplaced their fear by fearing the gods of the Amorites instead of fearing God and having faith that God was stronger than the gods of the land.

Gideon lived in this fearful and faithless generation. Though Gideon’s faith was not a great faith at the beginning, his faith grew into a great faith. When God called Gideon, we see his little faith in that he was hiding his crops from the Amorites, but God saw the little faith in Gideon that He did not see in anyone else in that day. It was the little faith Gideon had that caused God to use him. You can see Gideon acting on his little faith by destroying his father’s gods at night because he feared what would happen if he did it in the day. The thing that made Gideon great was that he was willing to act on his little faith, and God used that little faith to destroy the Amorites.

When your faith is small, you need to act on the faith that you do have, and God will use that little faith to do great things. You may remember that God told the disciples that if they had the faith as a grain of mustard seed, that they could remove a mountain. If the power of little faith can move mountains, imagine what great faith could do. Just because your faith is small does not mean that God will not use you. God expects you to act on the faith you have, and He will use that little faith in a great way.

Moreover, when your faith is small, and you are acting on your little faith, you will find God will help to grow that faith. God wants your faith to grow more than you do because that allows Him to do more through your life. Fear may be greater than your faith at the present, but watch what God will do through you if you act on the faith you do have.

All faith starts small, but it is those who act on their little faith who find God doing the great works in their lives. My friend, God doesn't need you to have the great faith of others; He needs you to act on whatever amount of faith you have now. Obedience is the key to getting God to help you to grow your faith. You may not have the faith of a Lee Roberson, but you do have faith, and you must act on it. As you act on the faith you have, God will help to grow that faith because He is more interested in your faith growing than you are.

Though you live in a fearful and faithless generation, it only takes one person of faith to show that God is greater than fear and that He is capable of doing the miraculous. Be the Gideon of your church or your generation, and act on the faith you have, and you will see God grow that faith so that He can do the miraculous through you.


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