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How Shall This Be?

Allen Domelle

Luke 1:34

Then said Mary unto the angel, How shall this be, seeing I know not a man?

Mary received the news that she would conceive and bring forth a son, which would be the Christ-child. This news troubled Mary because she was a virgin. Mary had known no man, and she did not understand how a virgin could conceive. This consternation caused her to ask, How shall this be, seeing I know not a man? The angel answered, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God. The angel continued by saying, For with God nothing shall be impossible. The angel was saying, the impossibility is always accomplished through the power of the Holy Ghost.

We often look at that which is impossible and ask, how shall this be? How shall it be that our church building can be filled with people? How shall it be that our Sunday school class can grow to overflowing? How shall it be that our bus is filled to capacity with adults and children coming to church? How shall it be that a hardened sinner can be saved? The problem with our question is that we are looking at the impossible through human abilities instead of looking at the impossible through God’s omnipotence. When you look at the impossible through God’s power is when you will see that all things are possible. It is not that God cannot do the impossible; it is that God’s people are not attempting the impossible. If we pursued the impossible instead of asking how something can be, we would know that with God nothing shall be impossible.

However, the impossible will never be accomplished without the power of the Holy Ghost falling on one's life. You can attempt the impossible all day long, but if you don't get God’s power on your life, you will never see the impossible become a reality. Mary’s impossible became a reality only after the Holy Ghost came upon her. Throughout the Scriptures, it was only when the Holy Ghost fell upon a person that God made the impossible possible. I think of Samson, that even though he was a backslidden and worldly man, when the power of the Holy Ghost fell upon him, even this backslidden and worldly man saw God do the impossible through him. When God’s power fell on Saul was when the impossible of defeating a great army was accomplished. It was when the power of the Holy Ghost fell upon the early church that they saw the impossible of three thousand souls saved and baptized in one service.

My friend, it is not that God cannot do the impossible today, but the impossible does not happen because so few get God’s power on their lives. What is your “this” in “How shall this be?” Moses wondered how God could use him because of his past and inability to speak publicly, but God showed him that when His power falls on an individual, the impossible becomes possible.

Your impossible is only as far away as it takes for you to get God’s power on your life. What is your impossible? Your impossible is as big as your faith in God. If you have little faith in God’s ability, then your impossible is impossible. If your faith in God’s ability is limitless, your impossible becomes possible. The key is that you must get God’s power on your life before your impossible becomes possible. Your impossible will stay impossible until you get God’s power on your life.


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