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How Will They Hear

Allen Domelle

Romans 10:14

How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?

The Gospel is for anyone who will accept it. God says in Romans 10:13, For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. It does not matter how bad a person someone may be; if they will call on Christ they can be saved. It does not matter what someone’s past may hold; if that person will call on Christ they can be saved. It does not matter if they are rich or poor, educated or uneducated, young or old, good or bad; whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. The greatest news anyone can hear is that they are a whosoever, which means the Lord will save them if they will simply call on Him.

However, God asks, how shall they hear without a preacher? The Gospel will save anyone who is willing to trust Christ, but the Gospel does nobody any good if nobody preaches it to the lost. The “whosoever’s” in this world are waiting for someone to give them the Gospel, but they will never have a chance to get saved if the “whosoever’s” who have already called on Christ don't go soul winning.

It is very selfish for anyone who had the Gospel preached to them not to give the Gospel to another “whosoever.” To have a secure salvation that could never be taken away and not to give someone else the good news you have received is one of the most selfish and evil acts a believer can do. There are many evil things that believers can do to others, but the greatest evil is never telling someone the Gospel weekly. Somebody cared enough for you to tell you the Gospel, and it would seem that you would be appreciative to the Lord and to those who gave the Gospel to you to spread that same Gospel to those in your world.

Let me ask you, what are you so afraid of that would keep you from being a soul winner? What is it that you fear will happen to you if you tell someone the Gospel? Are you afraid you will lose a friend? Ok, if giving someone the best news that could settle their eternity cause you to lose them as a friend, that is on them and not on you. You should never be in love with friendship so much that you are not a friend enough to tell them how they can be saved. Are you afraid that someone will reject you if you give them the Gospel? Oh, you must never let the fear of rejection be your reason for not giving someone the Gospel. Are you afraid that you won’t be able to enjoy life’s pleasures? The pleasures of life will mean nothing to you at one’s funeral to whom you never witnessed.

People cannot get saved without hearing the Gospel. The Scriptures ask, how shall they hear without a preacher? How will your grandchildren hear the Gospel if you don’t tell them how to be saved? How will your family hear if you don't give them the Gospel? How will your neighbors ever have a chance to get saved if you don't take one opportunity to share the Gospel with them? How will your work partners ever have a chance to get saved if you don't swallow your pride and share with them the most wonderful news of all, the news that Christ will save them if they will call on Him? To hand out tracts is not enough, though this is not bad, but you need to go beyond the handing out of tracts and share the Gospel with people. People will only get saved once they hear the Gospel. Let me challenge you to be the person who makes sure everyone in your world hears the Gospel from you.


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