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Moses Faith


Hebrews 11:23

By faith Moses, when he was born, was hid three months of his parents, because they saw he was a proper child; and they were not afraid of the king's commandment.

Hebrews 11 lists the faith of many past saints, but one of those who stands out is Moses. As God lists the faith of saints from the past, He spends the most time talking about the faith of Abraham and Moses, which means we ought to stop and study why God spent so much time on their faith. Let me show several things about Moses’ faith that would benefit every believer.

First, Moses followed the faith of his parents. Moses saw his parent’s faith as a child, and it influenced him not to be afraid of the king’s commandment. It is no wonder Moses was willing to stand up to Pharaoh because he had an example from his parents of doing right over the commandment of the king to do wrong. If your parents gave you a great example of faith, it would be wise not to change what they have done, but to build upon it. Your parent’s faith brought you a good life, and if you build upon it, you can hand that good faith down to your children. Don't be part of the crowd that criticizes their parent’s faith, but let their example of faith stir you to live by their faith.

Second, Moses chose the Christian life over the position and pleasures the world’s life offered. Moses’ faith caused him to want to serve God full-time over the offers the world had for him. Too many young people want to make God their second choice if the way of the world does not work out for them when they need to make full-time service their first choice for life. The world’s pleasures and position are enticing, but there is no life like serving God full-time. Young people who want God to use them will surrender to God to serve Him over pursuing the pleasures and position the world offers.

Third, Moses chose God’s riches over worldly wealth. Moses’ faith saw that there are more riches to gain by serving God than there are by pursuing worldly riches. Moses realized he had an eternity to enjoy the riches he laid up in Heaven; whereas, he only has a few short decades to enjoy the riches of the world. Believers ought to learn from Moses that the greatest wealth one can obtain is a Christian testimony that has laid up riches in Heaven. The world’s riches will fade, but treasures laid up in Heaven are eternal.

Fourth, Moses chose sacrifice for right over convenience. Moses found out that sacrificing for God is of greater value than convenience. It was not convenient for Moses to serve the LORD, but the sacrifice to serve the LORD was of far greater value than seeking to serve God through convenience. If you only serve God because of convenience, you will find a reason to stop doing right because right is often inconvenient.

What is the benefit of Moses’ faith? The benefit is his faith allowed him to see God work the miraculous through his life. If you want God to work mightily through your life, you must make the same choices by faith that Moses chose. After serving God for nearly five decades, I can testify at this stage in my life that faith in God is where you find the miraculous. I would never want to give up what God has allowed me to see for anything else. The miraculous comes with the choice to live by faith, so be wise to choose the faith life for it is through that life that God shows His power.


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