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Perspective Makes the Difference

Allen Domelle

Job 1:21

And said, Naked came I out of my mother's womb, and naked shall I return thither: the LORD gave, and the LORD hath taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD.

Perspective is critical to your outlook on life. Every day will not be a highlight day, but every day can be a blessed day. Perspective determines whether you see the gloom on a cloudy day or remember that the sun still shines above the clouds. Perspective determines whether you see the glass as half empty or almost full. Perspective determines whether you see what the LORD has taken away or how much God has blessed you. Perspective is critical to your spirit and outlook on life.

Job had a great perspective on life, which is why he could endure his trials without having a mental breakdown. Certainly, Job struggled during his trials, but he conquered his trials instead of the trials conquering him. He realized that he came into life with nothing, and though life may have taken away, he still had more during his time of heartache than he did when he was born. He accepted that the LORD had a right to take away what He had previously given to him. He accepted that the LORD had given him more than what he had when he was born. This is why Job could say after all he had lost, blessed be the name of the LORD.

Your ability to keep a right perspective is critical to handling difficult circumstances with the right spirit. You can let life’s circumstances dictate your perspective, or you can choose to have a right perspective in difficult times by seeing that God has blessed you beyond what you deserve. Everyone will have difficult times, but there are several mentalities you must choose to focus on if you are to keep a right perspective.

First, to keep a right perspective you must realize that it can always get worse. You may think you have it bad, but what you think is bad can always get worse. Despite losing everything, Job still had his God and his wife. If God chose to take everything from you, you are still blessed because you still have God in your life.

Second, to keep a right perspective you must realize there are others who have it worse than you. You are not the only one going through hard times; in fact, there are others who are going through tougher times than you. Sulking in your troubles will not make them better. When you look around and see what others are going through, you will quickly realize that many others have harder times than you.

Third, what you have in life does not determine what you have on the inside. One reason some struggle with hard times is because they think what they have in life is what defines them. My friend, you are a little person if possessions and position are what define you. Character is the best quality one can have that life cannot take from you. There are some things in life that trials cannot take from you even if they tried. Trials cannot take your salvation and the presence of God in your life. If these are the only two things you have in life, you are a very blessed person.

How is your perspective toward life? You are the one who chooses your perspective, and how you come through life’s trials will be determined by your perspective during the trial. Never let life’s treatment of you determine your perspective but choose to have a right perspective, and you will always think that you are a very blessed person.


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