Luke 14:18
And they all with one consent began to make excuse. The first said unto him, I have bought a piece of ground, and I must needs go and see it: I pray thee have me excused.
God wants to do great works for every generation, but every generation must decide if they will hinder God’s ability to work or yield to His call of faith. Jesus preached a sermon about a man who made a great supper and wanted people to attend this great feast. However, as soon as the servants went out to call people to the supper, they all with one consent began to make excuse. The house being filled was not the fault of an unprepared supper but an excuse-ridden people who allowed their life’s focus to keep them from enjoying the supper of the master.
Though the world often makes excuses as to why they cannot come to church, I have found that God’s people are often the reason God’s house is not filled because of the excuses from fleshy-focused believers. No excuse is good enough to keep you from being in God’s house. You can eat from the table of the world’s pleasures and come away empty, or you can eat at the table of God’s Word being preached in the church and come away satisfied and filled. It all comes down to whether you allow excuses to be the hindrance that keeps God from working in your life. There are four common categories of excuses that keep people from church that you must avoid.
Investment-related excuses are the first group of excuses that keep people from church and serving God. Many are so involved in their investments to get rich that they put God on the back burner, only to find that the world’s investments never fill the void of the soul that only Christ can fill. No investment is worth keeping you away from God working in your life. Investments may make money, but they keep you a spiritual pauper if they keep you from serving God.
Job-related excuses are the second group of excuses that keep people from church and serving God. The one man had to prove his oxen, which means he had to go to work instead of going to the supper. Many have used their place of employment as an excuse not to go to church, but one day they will find out that this excuse is a horrible decision when they lose their children to the world and its lifestyle. Never allow a job to keep you from being faithful to church.
Family-related excuses are the third group of excuses that keep people from church and serving God. Many have said they need to spend time with family instead of going to church, but family before Christ means that family has become your god. The greatest family time you can spend with family is in church and serving God. Never use family as an excuse to keep you from being faithful to church or serving God.
Entertainment-related excuses are the fourth group of excuses that keep people from church and serving God. You can wrap yourself up in entertainment, but you will find that entertainment is a horrible substitute for Christ. Those who play their way through life always find themselves dancing around the golden calf of entertainment religion, but they will find themselves still hungry for God’s sustenance.
My friend, what is your excuse? Never let any excuse be a substitute for being faithful to church and serving God. Be in your place to serve God and help fill the church house; you’ll never regret putting God before any excuse.