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The Wonderful Works of God

Allen Domelle

Acts 2:11

Cretes and Arabians, we do hear them speak in our tongues the wonderful works of God.

When it was noised abroad about the Holy Spirit falling on the early church, and how every person heard God’s Word spoken in their own tongue, they were amazed and said that they heard about the wonderful works of God. These people did not say that they just heard about God, but they heard about the wonderful works of God. They did not say that they heard about the works of God, but they heard about the wonderful works of God.

To hear about the wonderful works of God means they also had to hear about how God used people to do these wonderful works. What made these works so wonderful was that God did these works through frail and sinful humans. It was not that the apostles were talking about themselves for the sake of promoting themselves, but they talked about how they saw the works of Christ personally, and they experienced these great works, and hearing this caused these people to be amazed at the power of God.

Many have become so fearful to talk about God's great works He did through people out of fear that someone might criticize us that we are worshipping man. No, the opposite is true. We are not worshipping man when we talk about the great works we have seen God do through men of God, but we are talking about the amazing works we have seen God do through sinful humans. Yes, these people we talk about are often great men of God, but they are still sinners that God used. Let me give three thoughts about God’s wonderful works He does through mankind.

First, there can be no wonderful works of God without work. God chooses to work through people; therefore, there will be no wonderful works of God if His people don't work. We can long for God to do mighty works, but what work is there for Him to work through if we are not working? You will never hear about the mighty and wonderful church fellowships of God. You will never hear about the mighty and wonderful church activities of God. You will never hear about the mighty and wonderful baseball leagues of God. You only hear about the mighty and wonderful works that God does through His people.

Second, there can be no wonderful works of God if His people do not attempt great things for Him. If we attempt works that man can accomplish, there is no need for God to show His power. God shows His power through those who attempt things beyond their abilities. 2 Chronicles 16:9 says, For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him. God looks for opportunities to show Himself strong by looking for someone who is willing to attempt something by faith. Every great work that Christ did was done because a man had the faith to attempt something great before Christ did the miraculous. You will never be the source of God’s wonderful works if you don't attempt something great for Him.

Third, people want to serve a God that uses people through whom He performs His mighty works. You are the one that proves to others that God can use them IF you will let Him do His mighty works through you by attempting them. Let me challenge you to be the motivating tool God uses to show others that He is still able to do wonderful works today.


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