Ephesians 4:7
But unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ.
God gives everyone what they need to face life and to face it victoriously. Not only does God give us what we need to face life victoriously, but He expects us to take what He gives us to help others to live life victoriously. When I study the Scriptures, I see three things that God gives to every believer so that they can live the victorious Christian life.
First, God gives everyone grace. What is the purpose of grace? The purpose of grace is to endure trials. God says that unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ. In other words, God measures out to you the grace you need for the trial you are facing. You must remember that the greater the trial, the greater the grace He measures out to you so you can endure it. God never lets a trial come your way that He doesn't give you enough grace to endure it and make it through that trial. I am not saying that it will be easy to face your trial, but I am saying that you have within you the grace to make it through your trials.
Second, God gives everyone His love. What is the purpose of His love? The purpose of His love is so that we can enjoy relationships with others. God’s love was not only given to us at our best, but also at our worst. Look at what Romans 5:8 says, But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Notice, God loved us while we were yet sinners. God did not say He loved us only when we are good, but He loves us when are bad. The fact that you are saved means you have God’s love within you. Because you have God’s love within you means that you can love anyone whom God has placed in your life. His love allows you to accept others at their worst. His love within you means you can get along with anyone despite their weaknesses because love covereth all sins. (Proverbs 10:12) There is no person in your life that you cannot love because God has given you enough love to love them despite their awfulness.
Third, God gives everyone faith. What is the purpose of faith? The purpose of faith is to face the impossible. God gives you enough faith to attempt what seems to be your impossible situation in front of you at the moment. What you face right now may seem impossible, but you have enough faith to do it if you will step out on that faith and trust God. There is no situation in your life that God has allowed that you don't have enough faith to overcome it. You can see God do the miraculous through your life if you will take the faith He has given you and trust Him enough to step out on faith to see His mighty hand work through your life.
My friend, whatever measure God has given you is enough to do what He asks you to do. In each of these areas, God never puts more on you than what you can bear or do. God has given you enough of these things to face whatever their purpose is in your life.
Moreover, whatever measure God has given you is not to stay at the same measure. God gives you the measure you have so that you can increase its measure in your life. How do you increase these things in your life? You increase them by using what God has given you to help others. God gives you more grace, love, and faith when you take these to help others. The more of these things He gives you, the more God can use you in His service.